Tuesday 10 January 2017

Crutch Tips; How to Choose the Best to Avoid Accidents

Crutches have been designed with the sole purpose of supporting the body. They usually transfer all the weight to the upper body. Since they play an important role to persons who can't fully use their legs, it is important for one to consider the type of crutches that they buy.
Now, as important as the design of the crutches is, it is the crutch tips that you need to be concerned about. Did you know that the wrong kind of tip can put you at risk of accidents? You need to be meticulous when you are choosing the tips.

The types
There are different types that you can choose from;

  • Rubber
Most of the crutches are designed with these tips. They are good, but they tend to wear off with time if used for long. They are perfect for the persons who use the crutches moderately. If you use the crutches a lot, you need to consider other options to avoid the wear and tear.

  • Polyurethane
These crutch tips are durable and perfect for people who have heavy crutch usage. They can be used in both the indoors and the outdoors. They have been designed with convex that will provide extra comfort.

  • Steel
The best quality of tips that you can choose are those that are made of thick rubber and steel. Steel will provide durability and the crutches will not be prone to wear and tear. The steel will also add strength to the crutches which will enable you to support yourself easily.
For better traction and also mobility, you need to buy the tips that have been designed with steel and rubber.

  • Brass 

They are rarely used because they tend to produce noise when one is using them. They are however durable and they are usually added to the existing tips.

Where to buy

It is important for you to buy your crutches from the medical supply store. They will provide you with the best options. You should also ensure that you have tested the crutches first before you buy them.